2008年4月20日 星期日

The Marijuana Cultivation Bible

原文轉自(From):The Marijuana Cultivation Bible

There are few things in life as good as herbs grown by yourself at home or out in the garden. Oregano, dill, basil, sage, and other herbs are all easy to grow. Mint will take over the whole yard if you let it. Fresh mint and cilantro are incredible in salads and oriental dishes. But it all comes down to a truly motivational herb that is your friend and mine, a great healer and teacher to those that know it well.

Most people think of gardens as a seasonal, yearly project, but it's actually less time consuming and more rewarding to keep the garden going year round. If one were to attempt to grow year round, indoor gardening techniques will be needed at least during winter to keep the garden producing. You will have herb fresh at all times, there is no worry of mass storage thou the winter and spring, it requires less space, and once established, requires only minimal attention every week to keep it producing at optimal levels.


The best part of being a gardener is it connects you to the earth. It connects you with nature, and is spiritually enriching. Try giving your plants energy by beaming good thoughts and energy at them every time you visit them. I find this helps me as much as it helps them, and my plants seem to respond to it favorably.


Table of Contents 目錄
01. Choosing Your Desired Strain 選擇你想要的品種
02. Lighting 光照
03. Germination 催芽
04. Vegetative Growth & Flowering 植物的成長和開花
05. Harvest (Drying & Curing) 收成(乾燥和保存)
06. Outdoor Cultivation 戶外種植
07. Deer, Rodents & Insects 鹿、囓齒動物和昆蟲
08. Hydroponics 水耕
09. Organics 有機的
10. Glossary 辭彙表

