How do I control odor with ozonators?
Ozonators can make the smell of even SMELLY strains like Mikado and Romulan practically unnoticeable, unless resin glands are broken by your movements within the grow area. Place the ozonator units in the exhaust line or area or within the grow area itself, above an air circulation or intake/exhaust duct or fan. Purchase a timer to run continuously, except for 30 minutes before and during your scheduled maintenance times. Ozone has a half life of 30 minutes.
臭氧產生器可以讓以氣味重聞名的品種像是Mikado和Romulan等的臭味幾乎不被察覺, 除非是你在生長區內的動作太大把分泌大麻酯的腺體弄破了(會道會更重更難消除)
買一個計時器來讓臭氧產生器持續地運作, 除了有人要進入種植區前的30分鐘和有人在裡面做事的期間, 因為臭氧的半衰期為30分鐘
You may notice a hospital type smell, if ozone levels get higher. Nothing dangerous, but reduced by the use of a timer in the aforementioned fashion. For true stealth, additional ozonators placed in the exhaust line or outside the grow area will take care of any escaping terpenes that have not been oxidized within the garden itself.
如果種植區室內臭氧濃度過高, 你會聞到一股像醫院一樣的味道, 沒什麼危險而且前述的計時器設定會降低它的濃度
要達到真正的隱密, 多加幾個臭氧產生器在出風口或在種植區外可以把少量沒被種植區內的臭氧產生器消臭的少少氣味處理掉
Larger output inline corona ozonators are preferable for larger vented areas. There are many different sizes for different space requirements, buy the rappropriate size for your area! Air Tiger up to 5000 cubic feet Uvonair Junior up to 1000 cubic feet Uvonair(standard) up to 3000 cubic feet Uvonair Plus up to 5000 cubic feet They use UV light to produce ozone and require simple monthly cleaning to keep them in top working condition.They are designed to be safe commercial, office and residential use. They come with an ozone detection card to verify maximum ozone levels and your safety.
UV type ozonator maintenance
The UV bulb gets coated with dust, which reduces the amount of light emitted and therefore the amount of ozone produced. The bulb should be cleaned at least monthly to maintain peak performance. If you have never cleaned your bulb, you are diminishing the unit's effectiveness and will be surprised with the improvement in odor control afterwards.
紫外線燈管被灰塵所覆蓋會減少紫外光的產生, 也會因此而影響到臭氧的生產量
Nietzsche Notes A note about UV Ozone Generators If you must treat the air inside the grow room due to room leaks/smell seepage it is preferable to use a UV ozone generator. UV ozonators using a frequency of 185nm (approx) do not produce nitric acid as a by-product like corona discharge ozonators do. Thus corona discharge ozone generators should only be used in the exhaust system. If using a UV ozone generator to treat the air inside the room this could damage your plants if the concentration is too high. I also suggest putting it in the air intake so to allow some time for the Ozone to mix with the air and also not to creat a hot spot right next to the ozone machine.
如果要像處理流出去的氣味一樣地處理種植區內的空氣, 最好是用紫外線類型的臭氧產生器
何謂臭氧臭氧層是分佈在離地面20~30km的大氣層中,它最大的功能是吸收紫外線,保護曝露在紫外線照射下的人類與動植物。空氣中的臭氧量為 0.01~0.04ppm,因臭氧具有極強淨化殺菌之作用,使得自然界中的細菌黴菌,無法異常繁殖因而保持平衡狀態.。臭氧分解速度會因熱、光、水份、PH值而不同,也會因金屬氧化物與其他觸媒等作用,而加快分解速度。當活躍的菌碰上臭氧時,臭氧的致死濃度會使它立刻失去活力,臭氧在分解的時候產生的自由基過程,是一連串的反應動作,一個反應產物又可接連另一個反應產物,且不一定有固定的反應式相當複雜。
(1)臭氧在大氣中(常溫)之半衰期為三十分鐘,會隨溫度不同而有所改變。 臭氧在空氣中的安全濃度 FDA規範室內醫療設備臭氧輸出濃度不得高於0.05 ppm。OSHA 規定勞工在作業場所8小時所暴露的平均臭氧濃度不可高於0.10 ppm。NIOSH建議臭氧的濃度在任何時候都不應超過0.10 ppm。環保署 (EPA)之週界空氣品質國家標準規定戶外臭氧8小時的平均濃度最大為0.08 ppm。
水能載舟 亦能覆舟 使用時請於通風處 勿在密閉空間使用
Ozonators can make the smell of even SMELLY strains like Mikado and Romulan practically unnoticeable, unless resin glands are broken by your movements within the grow area. Place the ozonator units in the exhaust line or area or within the grow area itself, above an air circulation or intake/exhaust duct or fan. Purchase a timer to run continuously, except for 30 minutes before and during your scheduled maintenance times. Ozone has a half life of 30 minutes.
臭氧產生器可以讓以氣味重聞名的品種像是Mikado和Romulan等的臭味幾乎不被察覺, 除非是你在生長區內的動作太大把分泌大麻酯的腺體弄破了(會道會更重更難消除)
買一個計時器來讓臭氧產生器持續地運作, 除了有人要進入種植區前的30分鐘和有人在裡面做事的期間, 因為臭氧的半衰期為30分鐘
You may notice a hospital type smell, if ozone levels get higher. Nothing dangerous, but reduced by the use of a timer in the aforementioned fashion. For true stealth, additional ozonators placed in the exhaust line or outside the grow area will take care of any escaping terpenes that have not been oxidized within the garden itself.
如果種植區室內臭氧濃度過高, 你會聞到一股像醫院一樣的味道, 沒什麼危險而且前述的計時器設定會降低它的濃度
要達到真正的隱密, 多加幾個臭氧產生器在出風口或在種植區外可以把少量沒被種植區內的臭氧產生器消臭的少少氣味處理掉
Larger output inline corona ozonators are preferable for larger vented areas. There are many different sizes for different space requirements, buy the rappropriate size for your area! Air Tiger up to 5000 cubic feet Uvonair Junior up to 1000 cubic feet Uvonair(standard) up to 3000 cubic feet Uvonair Plus up to 5000 cubic feet They use UV light to produce ozone and require simple monthly cleaning to keep them in top working condition.They are designed to be safe commercial, office and residential use. They come with an ozone detection card to verify maximum ozone levels and your safety.
UV type ozonator maintenance
The UV bulb gets coated with dust, which reduces the amount of light emitted and therefore the amount of ozone produced. The bulb should be cleaned at least monthly to maintain peak performance. If you have never cleaned your bulb, you are diminishing the unit's effectiveness and will be surprised with the improvement in odor control afterwards.
紫外線燈管被灰塵所覆蓋會減少紫外光的產生, 也會因此而影響到臭氧的生產量
Nietzsche Notes A note about UV Ozone Generators If you must treat the air inside the grow room due to room leaks/smell seepage it is preferable to use a UV ozone generator. UV ozonators using a frequency of 185nm (approx) do not produce nitric acid as a by-product like corona discharge ozonators do. Thus corona discharge ozone generators should only be used in the exhaust system. If using a UV ozone generator to treat the air inside the room this could damage your plants if the concentration is too high. I also suggest putting it in the air intake so to allow some time for the Ozone to mix with the air and also not to creat a hot spot right next to the ozone machine.
如果要像處理流出去的氣味一樣地處理種植區內的空氣, 最好是用紫外線類型的臭氧產生器
何謂臭氧臭氧層是分佈在離地面20~30km的大氣層中,它最大的功能是吸收紫外線,保護曝露在紫外線照射下的人類與動植物。空氣中的臭氧量為 0.01~0.04ppm,因臭氧具有極強淨化殺菌之作用,使得自然界中的細菌黴菌,無法異常繁殖因而保持平衡狀態.。臭氧分解速度會因熱、光、水份、PH值而不同,也會因金屬氧化物與其他觸媒等作用,而加快分解速度。當活躍的菌碰上臭氧時,臭氧的致死濃度會使它立刻失去活力,臭氧在分解的時候產生的自由基過程,是一連串的反應動作,一個反應產物又可接連另一個反應產物,且不一定有固定的反應式相當複雜。
(1)臭氧在大氣中(常溫)之半衰期為三十分鐘,會隨溫度不同而有所改變。 臭氧在空氣中的安全濃度 FDA規範室內醫療設備臭氧輸出濃度不得高於0.05 ppm。OSHA 規定勞工在作業場所8小時所暴露的平均臭氧濃度不可高於0.10 ppm。NIOSH建議臭氧的濃度在任何時候都不應超過0.10 ppm。環保署 (EPA)之週界空氣品質國家標準規定戶外臭氧8小時的平均濃度最大為0.08 ppm。
水能載舟 亦能覆舟 使用時請於通風處 勿在密閉空間使用