2011年2月24日 星期四

OAT Shoes


OAT Shoes is a brand-new initiative in shoe design combining attractive style and biodegradable materials to produce sneakers that not only look good, but leave no mark on the environment when you throw them out. Bury them in the garden, woods or compost, water regularly and flowers will bloom from your old kicks!

Right now we're working on a new site, which should go live by the end of March, but you can already read up on our progress on the blog below and our Facebook page. Be sure to contact us if you have any questions, comments, advice or remarks: we love your feedback!

Finally a special shout out to all of you who've shown your support, written articles, blogs and positive feedback over the past few weeks! We really appreciate it and can't wait to get the Virgin Collection out to you!

Due to the enormous amount of attention we're generating at the moment, you might have to wait a few days, but please bear with us, we are determined to answer all of your emails!

