2011年3月29日 星期二

10 Office Pranks Perfect for April Fools’ Day

Ah, April Fools’ Day. That dreaded day of the year that news editors and the gullible public love to hate. While we can’t wait to see what amusing pranks the likes of Google are cooking up, you can plot your own fun in the meantime.

We’ve got 10 suggestions, ranging from vintage classics to more up-to-date tricks that you can play on your colleagues, friends and frenemies.

If your office has a good sense of humor and you’re looking for a bit of light-hearted, harmless fun this April 1, take a look through the gallery for our ideas and please share your own suggestions in the comments box below.

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1. Speech Recognition
2. Crossed Wires
3. Quick Change
4. Fun with Mice
5. Hunt the Paper Clip
6. This Stall is Occupied
7. BSoD
8. Can You Hear That?
9. Wrong Number
10. Just Smirk it Out

Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, kutaytanir, gallery images courtesy of Flickr, Josh Derr, Kate, jrpinky_boi, Daniele Pieroni, jessi, Eric P, Josh Liba, Ren Adams, Martin Pettitt and Tricia

